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Lions, Birthdays, Roaring + Miracles

HAPPY WEEKEND!!!!! HAPPY Saturday!!!!!!
Happy Re-charge your batteries and take a deep breath!!!!! Happy 100th day or there-abouts-depending on your calendar!!!! Happy to be a teacher? Happy to make a difference? Happy to contribute? Need a pick-me-up?

Happy, happy. Joy, joy, joy!

Every now and then I get to observe something truly amazing. Every now and again I get to participate in something awesome and inspiring. Once in a lifetime I get to learn of a 'miracle' and hear my part in its unfolding.

Yesterday on my blog I retold the story of an amazing set of parents who encountered a miracle, (as documented by Oprah's 'Medical Miracles') and I was one teeny-tiny part of it..... lions, birthdays and roaring: oh my!!!!!! 

Since its the weekend, perhaps you have time to read the story? It will bring a host of emotions. Perhaps smiles, perhaps tears -- or maybe both. I invite you over to read for yourself. Priceless. It's the story of the 'Lion Lady.' Pour yourself a cup of warmth and hop on over to RainbowsWithinReach for the rest of the story.
-- Debbie --

If your work includes that of reaching out to children with special needs -- this story is for you! I promise it will be worth your time.

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