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School Year Finale! Wacky Science Day!

Our school year has come to an end and I am so sad to see my little ones go. I hope to see their smiling faces next year as second graders! I am not sad to have a few months to relax though! It's been a busy year!
I know I am not the only one who faces a struggle with end of the year activities. It is hard to find fun stuff for the students that are still educational and keep them in the "school zone" mindset. Let's face it, they know the summer is almost upon them and they just want to play!
Since we have had so much fun with science these last 6 weeks of school, we decided to bring it to our students one last time. This kept our last week just as educational as the first. So, all of us First Grade Teachers got together and presented Wacky Science Day to the students! Click the picture link below to see all the fun we had!

Napkin Journals!

Got any spare napkins laying around from all the end of the year parties you've been having? :) Have no fear - they can be USED! 
Hop on over to my {blog} and see how you can turn these in to awesome little journals your kiddos will love! The napkin books work great in a writing station or to use for weekly writing prompts. Their uses are endless!

More Common Core--Literature Expectations

If you are like me, you don't have a lot of time, so every bit of your time counts.  I have been researching and trying to figure out what the Common Core Tests are for 2nd grade and finally found a list.  I was checking them out on Amazon when it occurred to me that you, out their in reading land, are probably in the same predicament.  You are torn between spending time researching, learning, making activities, etc. and spending time with your husband or wife and kids.  These days, there is more work than every to take home and all sort of reports that have to be turned in by their deadline.  So, I thought I would just include the links that I used to purchase my Common Core Texts and Teaching Resources for you here in one spot.

First up, we have the beloved Charlotte's Web, which at my school, has traditionally been a 3rd grade text to read aloud.  I also went ahead and ordered the video so that we could compare the book to a movie.  Don't forget there is also the movie with Dakota Fanning in it.  I am on the hunt for a place to purchase this, but haven't found it yet!

Next up is The Stories Julian Tells.  I can't find this book at any of the online bookstores, but did stumble upon a teacher's guide for it.  If you click on the link of the book below, you can go there to get the teacher's helper.  If you find out where you can order this book, please let me know!

Then, we have My Father's Dragon.  This is a book that I am not at all familiar with, but look forward to getting my order in so that I can read it.  The cover looks fascinating!

We also have A Drop of Water which looked like, to me at least, a great book to use during water cycles, but it also looked very technical.  I'm not sure what to think about this one!

The Story of Ruby Bridges has always been a favorite of mine.  I usually use it with biographies and the kids love it.  I usually have 2-3 kids research her story each year because they love the ending.  There is also a Disney movie about Ruby that is really good.  I included its link here also.

 I was also happy to see this book, From Seed to Plant on the list.  I love any book by Gail Gibbons.  You can be guaranteed that this book will be colorful and informative.  There is a teacher's helper also that you can get to help with planning!

It is safe to say that I will have a huge box coming from Amazon soon!!  But, I figure it will be a good investment.  After all, I am investing in children's lives!  I hope that this post helps you shop swiftly, cheaply, and thoroughly!!!

If you want to know more about future Common Core literature, click below and head to my blog!!  I have several different posts regarding Common Core and literature.

Word Work

I love these instant learning centers from Lakeshore.  Here is how I used this one in class.

Great Books For Your Summer Reading!

Who doesn't love a good book pool side? For me, this is heaven! Not all the books I read are about teaching, but the teaching related ones that I'd like to read during the school year end up on the shelf for most of it because there is no time!
For those of you looking for a great Go-To book to help with your plans for next year, here are a few of my favorites. They are easy to read and great during our free time! In fact, I am reading some of them again as a refresher of all the great ideas I didn't get to use this year. Debbie Diller, Kathy Collins, and Debie Miller are just a few of my favorites. Stop by my blog to read more about these authors and their books!

Clip Art for Teachers

I know that teachers have a hard time finding clip art that they can use for educational materials. After several requests, I have decided to add some clip art to my Teachers Pay Teachers store. These are teacher-friendly. You may use them in your classrooms and in your products. I am not a professional at all, but if you like my little drawings then come take a look.

Lidia Barbosa from:

Eclipse 2012!

The song that comes to mind is "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. Okay, I'm old I know!  My family and I had a blast tonight observing a 90% eclipse!

We are in southern Arizona and it started about 5:30pm.  My daughter was TOTALLY into it!  I had to draw a picture of what it was she was looking for.  After that she was totally engaged!

  Unfortunately it went behind the mountains before we saw the ring.  Either way it was still AWESOME to experience!  My students will get a kick out of the pictures tomorrow!
Our neighbors invited us over and they had these special lenses to look through!  I held the lens over my camera to take the pictures.  It wasn't easy that's for sure!  Hope you enjoy and were able to see it where you were.

The Curious Garden: Unit and Freebie

Yesterday I posted The Curious Garden.  I promised pictures and a freebie.  This book is delicious!  It embraces individuality and uniqueness!  

I purchase the paper and poster from Target.
I prepare 'kits' with colors preselected. 
Eliminates extra student decisions!

 Click to Link to FREEBIE!

Click to Link to FULL UNIT!!
Freebie is available in unit!

Technical Difficulties

The top question I get emailed or asked in my Teachers Pay Teachers store: Can you help me?  When I open your file, it shows these black bars.  What do I do?

The number two question/statement:  My computer won't open your product because it says it is corrupted.  What do I do? 

Other common questions/statements: Can you email me the PDF?  Why can't you email me the file as a Word Doc?  TpT charged my Pay Pal twice.  What do I do?

The good news is, the answers are simple!  Hop over to my blog to find the answers. 

If You Give a Moose a Muffin

Here is my newest mini- unit {or pack if you will} using the book, If You Give a Moose a Muffin by Laura Numeroff. I use this book each and every year when we learn about the letter Mm. 

Click here to see my post about it and how to get your two writing prompt freebies!

Memoirs of a Goldfish Unit and Freebie

The days to summer are quickly approaching!  I'm eager to float in the pool with a few good books.  As we are counting down the days, we are recording our memoirs.  A few weeks ago, I shared this wonderful unit...

Click to Link

This morning I added a seven page freebie file for you.  I think Memoirs of a Goldfish is a wonderful way to inspire students to write their own countdown memories.  

Click to Link

Included: An brief introduction and link to article, book recommendations, cause and effect comprehension sheet, preview of unit, and a thank you note from me!

Free Graduation Diplomas

Hello blog hoppers,

I have been meaning to stop by to make sure that you have seen my FREE Pre-K and Kindergarten diplomas. I know that graduation day is right around the corner and you are trying to prepare for that.  I made Spanish and English versions so that everyone on your team can use the same ones during the ceremony.

Just click on the picture to take you there.


Lidia R. Barbosa

Pig a Pancake Activities

 I love using Literature to teach. I always use the book, If You Give a Pig a Pancake when we learn about the letter Pp. I made this pack just for this.

Here are some Pictures of what is included.
Reading Comprehension game, with 30 questions and an answer key.

My school and system are changing their letter order this upcoming year. I am curious... is anyone out there using Recipe for Reading in their k or 1st grade classroom? Any advice?
  Mary Amoson, Sharing Kindergarten