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Teacher Week '13: Let's Talk About Me Monday

Welcome to Teacher Week '13! 

We look forward to this week all year! Each day we have a different linky party with a "hot teacher topic". Make plans to join us!

Blog about the daily topics on your blog, grab the button above {Thanks Amy Lemons!}, link the button back Blog Hoppin' and then add your post to the linky at the bottom. 


Today Hope and Kacey are teaming up to host today's topic... "Meet the Teacher"! Here are 10 fun, must know facts about us!

{10 things about Kacey..}

1. I teach first grade in a teeny, tiny, little, bitty, small town in Mississippi. I am the only first grade teacher at my school and I have 11 students this year.

2. I teach at the same school where I went to school from 1st-12th grade. 

3. This is my 14th year to teach. I have taught first grade 11 years and was an elementary librarian for 3 years.

4. Other than teaching, I also own a stationery business called Doodle Bugs Paper that is my heart and soul. It is my "baby". I have been designing and selling my stationery for 10 1/2 years. Some of the people who I consider closest to my heart are customers!

5. I have been married for 12 years and we have two cats that we consider children.. Spunky and Peanut. Yes, we are those people!

6. I am loyal to certain TV shows and never miss an episode of General Hospital, the Voice, Dancing with the Stars, Big Brother, or Nashville. But, seriously could not tell you the last time I have been in a movie theater or sat down to watch a movie at home. It has been YEARS! 

7. I am a morning person and get up really early.  I can accomplish more before 8 am than some people do all day. I am my most productive early, early in the mornings! But, I am soooo guilty of an afternoon nap. It's the only way I can survive. Otherwise, I am in the bed, asleep by 9 pm. 

8. A few of my least favorite things are: snakes, lizards, frogs, mice, seafood, hot weather, tomatoes, talking on the phone, coffee, housework, long car rides, mosquitoes, mystery, historical or science fiction books.

9. I absolutely love: a beach vacation, a good hamburger, peanut butter, chocolate, birthday cake and ice cream, a fresh set of sheets, snow days, anything multicolored, cold pizza, anything personalized and I have a strong love for animals.

10. And a few random things: I curl my eyelashes everyday, my ears are not pierced, I wish I could play the piano, I have never used the china we received as wedding gifts, I don't own an ironing board, I believe in writing thank you notes, and I am always on time. That's all!


{10 things about Hope...}

Hey y’all! So excited that it is FINALLY Teacher Week 2013.  I am also excited to be co-hosting today’s post with Sweet Kacey from Doodle Bugs. Since today is “Meet the Teacher” Monday, I have tried {unsuccessfully...I think ;) } to come up with 10 facts that you may or may not know about me. So…here we go!

1)  I am married to the love of my life. His name is Wade, and he is the most patient husband in the entire world. He is also a teacher. We taught at the same school for two years and had way too much fun.

2)   That same sweet husband moved me to Atlanta about a month ago. He will be teaching at the Ron Clark Academy this year and we couldn’t be more excited about this opportunity! I hate, hate, HATE the traffic here, but I must admit, I definitely love the city. It has it’s own special charm and is tons of fun.

{The RCA Kickball Team} 

3)   We recently "adopted" our first baby. While she is not an actual baby, I swear she requires the same amount of attention and care as a human. Her name is Maya. We call her our “Sour Patch Kid” because sometimes she is sour {chewing on the furniture and MY shoes}, but most of the time she is sweet. And I mean come one, how cute is that face?!?

4)   I love to run. Really, I love it. I have been a runner since I was five years old when I won my very first race. I was a sucker for medals and trophies as a kid, so that kept me interested. When my parents would ask me if I wanted to run in a race, I would ask about the size of the trophy. If it satisfied, I would run…and I would win. I was willing to do anything in the name of a big trophy! I am still that way. Competitive much? If you don’t believe me, check out these bruises that I am still sporting { a week later} from a kickball tournament last weekend.   

Did I mention that I am running the Disney Marathon in January?

5)   I have amazing taste in television….just ask my husband {totally kidding…but what does he know anyways}! ;) I am a reality TV and soap opera junky. I *might* even DVR every single episode of Days of Our Lives and The Bold and the Beautiful.  I also love The Bachelorette {event though it drove me insane this season} and anything on Lifetime. 

6)   My husband and I love to travel. You may already know that we were married in Venice, Italy. One of the best decisions I ever made. This made me fall in love with Europe. I am trying to convince my husband that we need to move there, but right now he is perfectly content in Atlanta.

7)   I love blogging {duh…right?!?} and I’ll tell you why! I have made some of the most amazing friends through this little blogging adventure. I love telling others about these sweet friends, and I also love the weird looks that I get when I tell them that I met them on the internet! ;) Seriously, these girls are just as amazing in person as they are on their adorable blogs.

8)   I am a craft-a-holic. It is bad, y’all. Mix that with a perfectionist and impatience and you will totally understand why I worked fourteen hours straight on Saturday to refinish furniture. I can’t sit and wait when I have a craft idea in mind. It has it be done and it MUST be THAT second. What can I say? I get it from my momma! ;) I don’t know whether to hug her or strangle her! ;) 

9)   I also love to shop…what teacher doesn’t right?!? As you know from my sweet friend, Amy Lemons, I am obsessed with The Mint Julep. I don’t tell many people my secret about where I get my clothes, so feel special! ;)

10) My favorite color is green. Shocked?!? If you follow me on instagram, you shouldn't be surprised. I almost think I take my green obsession a little too far sometimes. I just can’t help it! What’s not to love about this color? 

Just in case you don't believe me, here is a piece of furniture that I just refinished for my office! Guess what color...

Well that's it for Meet the Teacher Monday. We can't wait to learn all about you! Make sure that you link up below and we will see you back tomorrow for Classroom Digs! 


(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Kacey, training myself to be a morning person is on my to do list (although near the bottom) and I love the furniture make-overs Hope!
    Dilly Dabbles

  2. Hope, I love how your husband works at RCA- I absolutely love reading Ron Clark's books and think he's really inspiring to education! and Kacey, I too am a morning person- or at least I am becoming one! I enjoy learning more about you both!!!

    Anchored in the Middle

  3. LOVE learning so much about you both!
    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  4. Kacey I'm a morning person too! My friends think I am NUTS - I'm up at 4AM everyday! & Hope I love to travel too - is that a pic of Santorini Island in Greece? It looks like it but I'm not sure. Greece is one of my most favorite places to visit! Thanks for sharing girls!!

    Science for Kids Blog

  5. I'm also a person! I'm currently headed into school right now. I also love to travel and have done the color run! I love your furniture-my best friends mom does that and works at an antique shop. I also now have a new store to fuel my addiction to online shopping thanks! Have you checked out Red Dress Boutique? I loved them way long ago and now I feel like they are super popular so I'm looking for another store. It was great meeting you!
    Rambling About Reading

  6. my LINK picture isn't working and I'd like to remove it so I can put one that does. This is my FIRST LINKY PARTY and I've already screwed it up! haha

    Ms. Chae Charges In

  7. ok, my first Linky party here and i can't figure out how to add the button yo link back here. Help!

    1. Hi Teresa,

      I don't know if I do it the "right way" but I just drag and drop the image right from this blog post onto my desktop {you can also just right click the button and click "save as"}. Then when you are writing your own blog post, just add the button you saved to your computer like you would any other image. {And then of course link back by copy and pasting the URL of this specific blog post.}

      I hope that helped?!

      Fun With Firsties

    2. Thank you. I think I got it now. I was trying to make it much more difficult than it was. Story of my life! Thanks again.

  8. Hi ladies!!!

    I already follow both of your blogs so it was fun getting to know you a little better :) I can't wait to browse through all these great links and meet more fantabulous teachers!

    Thanks for posting today!
    ....And thanks to all the lovely ladies at Blog Hoppin' for hosting this linky ;)

    Fun With Firsties

  9. Thanks Kacey and Hope for starting out our fun week... and for all your fun facts about yourselves!
    Karen :o)
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  10. Love getting to know you gals a little better! It's so fun reading about everyone!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  11. Thanks for hosting this fun linky party! I am loving reading about everyone! :)
    First Grade Funtastic

  12. This was so fun! I loved reading about everyone! Thanks for hosting.

  13. This is my first linky party! I just started my blog a week ago. Thanks for hosting such a fun and creative link!

    Mrs. Spriggs' Kindergarten Pond

  14. Kacey - Thank you for hosting and I love that you grew up and now work in the same town. So special!
    Hope - Thank you for sharing your fierceness. You go girl!
    You guys rock:)

  15. I've been so excited about this week! Thanks for putting this all together!
    A Tall Drink of Water

  16. Thanks for hosting such a fun linky!!! And, welcome to ATL... I'm just down the road,and YES, the traffic is definitely crazy!!! :) What a cool opportunity for your hubby... the Ron Clark Academy is amazing!!

    First Grade Fairytales

  17. Great blog post. Thanks for hosting this. I love that armoire, what a difference!

    The 85 Mile Commute

  18. Kacey, what a small school! That's so awesome :)

    Hope, amazing that your hubby has an opportunity to teach at the Ron Clark Academy! What a dream :)

  19. Thanks for hosting, I have had so much fun learning about others and visiting new blogs!

    Teaching Maths with Meaning

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.
