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Fun and Family! Welcome 2014 linky!

Day 1 of our Your New Year linky is Family and Fun!
Sometimes Often, too often, I get caught up in the rat race with work, creating products, planning all may know the drill! But when it comes down to it, there is nothing NOTHING I love more than my little fam!

So my number one goal this year is to spend more time with them. I don't mean spend more time in front of the tv or glaring looking at my kids across the table at a restaurant! I want to go places! Where do I wanna go??

I have a slight obsession with all things Lincoln and DC! I really wanna take the Amtrak to DC this spring! Hubs said yes! I will remind him daily!

We have a huge state fair in the capital each year! I've wanted to go since I was little...maybe this year!

I grew up in the 90s...alternative 90s! Kurt Cobain was my dream date! Not kidding! I must visit Seattle at least once! Even though hubs does remind me that those guys are necessarily around there-it's just the idea!! haha!

I LIVE for the movies! HUbs...not so much! So that's what kids are for! We already bought or 2014 popcorn bucket...there's no turning back!

and what is this little family MOST excited for in 2014...
ok, don't freak! I don't think a girl is in the cards for us, but my little sis only has 5 weeks to go! We are beyond thrilled!

SO what are your family fun goals for 2014?
Link up with me and the rest of my blog hoppin' buds today so I can get more ideas!


  1. I'll be flying to Seattle in July! We leave from there for an Alaska cruise :)

    Math is Elementary

  2. OMG Rachel, we have FAR more in common than I thought!! I'm obsessed with all things 'history' ESPECIALLY Lincoln, was OBSESSED with Kurt Cobain in the late 90s and my #1 goal for this year is to go visit the North West!! My hubby and I are looking to take a trip to Oregon and Washington at some point! :) Congratulations on your new baby girl!!! How exciting!!

    1. haha! My hubby still makes fun of my dirty grungy middle school years!!

    2. Bwahahaha!!! I was obsessed with Kurt Cobain too!!!! Wore a Kurt Cobain/Nirvana/Weezer or radio head shirt, my Jinco Jeans, and my vans every day!!! LOL! I even had the underneath of my hair shaved-so when I wore it in a pony tail-I looked SUPER cool!!! Ha!!!

  3. so much fun! Thanks for making me focus on what truly matters FAMILY!

  4. I'd love to go to the Sate Fair, too! I've never been to one. Congrats on your soon to be born niece!

  5. Just be sure you go to D.C early so you have plenty of time or else you have to worry about catching the last train back in time! UGHHH!!! We almost missed ours! ;)
    Dirt Road Teacher

  6. I live in Oregon if u ever need tips!
