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Four Fast Tips for PowerPoint Printables

Hello Blog Hoppers! It's Kristen from Ladybug's Teacher Files and I am SO excited to join the incredible teachers at Blog Hoppin'! This is my very first post and I really hope it will be of help to those of you who may be new to designing in PowerPoint.

PowerPoint is pretty easy to use once you get used to it. But, like any designing process, it can become quite time-consuming, can't it?

So I'd like to share four fast tips to speed up the design process a bit for you:

Tip One: Replace Images
Inserting clipart can take some time as you navigate to the folder, select the images you need, drag to the right location, and so on. Luckily, the "replace picture" feature in PowerPoint makes this go a bit more quickly. This will work well when you are designing with clipart that is the same size.

For example, you want to include several different flavors of ice cream in your resource. To save time, you can copy the first cone and ice cream scoop and paste it. Then, instead of inserting a whole new image for a different flavor, select the flavor you want to change:

Then head to the "replace picture" feature found in your toolbox or toolbar:

Now you can quickly navigate to a different flavor and it will place it in the same exact spot, saving you lots of time!

Tip Two: Replace Fonts
Just as you can replace images, you can also replace fonts. This is really helpful if you change your mind and want to use a different font in your file. It is also useful if you are designing a file with multiple font options.

Back to that ice cream. You start out with a clean, simple font:

But you decide it doesn't look bold enough. For a quick change to the entire file, you can go to Format and then Replace Fonts:

This will make the following menu pop up:

Making sure you have your current font selected under "Replace", choose any font you would like under "With":

Now all of the old font will be instantly replaced! Please note that you may have to adjust the size and positioning after, as different fonts vary.

Tip Three: Create Templates
This is a HUGE timesaver I blogged about on my blog awhile back. How would you like to start a new PowerPoint file all ready to go, with the fonts you always use? Follow these steps and save tons of time in reformatting each new printable you create…

Start a new file and delete those standard text boxes:

Set up a new text box:

Change it to a font you always use, right-click the text box , and select "Set as Default Text Box":

Once you have all of your standard fonts in the file, go to File and Save As:

Finally, save the file as as a template (with a .pot extension):

This will be the template you open each time, so you have it ready to go just as you like. Be sure to save it under a different name, however, so you don't write over your original template! 

Tip Four: Duplicate Slides
This is another great way to save lots of time if you are creating printables with the same layout. After you have set up an initial slide, go to the thumbnail menu on the side (back to those ice cream cones!). Right click on the thumbnail and select "Duplicate Slide":

This automatically copies the whole slide for you:

Now you can simply swap out the text:

And images, just as we did in the first tip:

And that's it! Four simple tips that can really save you time when you design! Thanks so much for reading.


Well, hello!  Thanks so much for visiting the Blog Hoppin' crew today. You get to hear from little old me on this fine Thursday . . . Kelley Dolling from Teacher Idea Factory.

First up, you still have a few more hours to SCORE BIG in the BONUS DAY SALE over at TPT.  (That was a lot of caps, but it just felt right for some reason.)  All of the Blog Hoppers have oodles of great goods on sale.  

Alright . . . on to business.  I was searching my files trying to come up with something stellar to share this month and I dug up this gem.  I came out with this Freebie during the 11th hour of that special spring reading week and it didn't get too much play last year.  Well, I am here today to try and give it a fair shake.  So, without yammering on a moment more . . . I bring you a Silly Star-Belly Tea Party.  

Alright, so here's the 4-1-1 on this guy.  I was putting the finishing touches on a Crazy "Circus Cat" packet and I got to thinking about the "Doctor" and one of my favorite stories.  Those star-bellied creatures came to mind and the noggin started churnin'.  To tie into this great story, I came up with a fun twist on your basic tea party activity.  Sure, you can hold a card and look for its mate during a run of the mill match up activity.  BUT . . . what if you tape the cards to your students' bellies??!!  Um, yup!  Let's have a tea party Sneetch Style.  And, while we are at it, let's make it a FREE and EDITABLE party . . . how ya like them hardcover books??!

In this silly game, I pre made a set of star-belly sum cards.  The goal is for students to hunt around the room in search of kids who have the same sum on their tummies.  This may not be what you are looking for at this time of year, so I made it EDITABLE.  Maybe you want to roll with a parts of speech match up, synonym ditty, or a fact family hunt?? That's a-okay.  Simply open up the blank version in this download, toss some text boxes in the stars, type way, and print!

Sound like something you might want to use during that first week of March . . . hint, hint??!!  CLICK HERE to score this fun FREEBIE :)

If you are looking for other CCSS items that are cat related, take a little look-see at this 
collection.  This one was designed for 1st and 2nd grades (the standards are listed) and it has great "kitty themed" flavor.  

Alright, I'm in and out today.  I hope you have a great rest of the week. Thanks again for taking the time to pop in to see us!  I'll catch you again next month.  

Teachers are Heroes TpT Sale!

Yep! We love teachers! and if you love a teacher, you know how hard and dedicated they are to their kiddos! Teachers are heroes and TpT knows it too!
To celebrate, they are throwing a sitewide sale February 25! Not only will everything be 20% off, but you can add a sweet promo code for an extra 10% off too! Woot!!
So empty those wishlists friends! Find all of our stores below